Our Programs


conscious Design leadership programme - pilot

The Conscious Design Leader Programme is for leaders in UX Research, Design and Product within large organisations that wish to have a positive impact on their team, organisation and surrounding eco-system.

The full programme takes a cohort of leaders on a journey across the six elements of conscious leadership over 6 months. Each month there are two group coaching sessions where leaders can connect with each other and discuss challenges through the lens of conscious leadership.

  1. Knowing where you are

  2. Knowing where you are going

  3. Listening & being curious

  4. Opening up to feedback

  5. Practicing self compassion and care

  6. Continuous learning and growth

The first programme will be a short pilot of 10 weeks, covering all topics but not as in-depth as the 6 month programme.

What’s involved in the pilot

Participants will need to set aside between 1 - 2 hours a week for:

  • 1 hr weekly cohort session on Friday 11:00am

  • 1 hr fortnightly exercises outside of session

  • Monthly ‘Brains Trust’ discussion group

  • Optional 1:1 coaching

At the end of the programme participants will have the option to gather in person at a Design Leaders Retreat on Waiheke Island, created and hosted by FIRESIDE.

Register your interest for more information about the programme.

time commitment

1 - 2 hours per week (14 hours in total)


Pilot : October 6th to December 8th 2023


Online Zoom Call