Inspiring conversations that transform you and your organization.

Talks & Case Studies

NZ Police - Design Sprint - Counties Manukau

Co-design workshop with agency partners

NZ Police - Safer Sooner Design Sprint - DAN 2019

Empowering an ecosystem of family safety through design. Collaborating with NZ Police and partner agencies, Digital Arts Network (DAN) reimagined a “Safer Sooner” solution to support the scaling of an integrated agency response to our family harm crisis.

Attack of the 10 Foot Customer Journey Map - UXNZ conference 2017

Crafting an easy to follow visual narrative from disparate data sources. This 20 minute presentation covers the journey from CX design brief to delivery.

Keeping the vision alive - UX Homegrown 2017

Short talk on why having a vision is helpful when designing a product, and how to keep it alive throughout the discovery, design and development process.

UX Coaching as a Journey - UXNZ 2015

Short 15 minute presentation summarising the ingredients for successful capability coaching inside an organisation.

Setting up Auckland Council for digital success - DAN 2018

Our objective was to set the Council up for successful delivery of a new site that made it easier for people to engage with Auckland Council and ‘get it done’ online.

Transforming the car servicing experience - DAN & TBWA AU 2019

CX Strategy project for an Australian Car Service Chain. We used a number of ethnographic research methods to get under the skin of customers to understand their needs, anxieties and frustrations related to car servicing.